Join your hosts, Anton Chuvakin and Timothy Peacock, as they talk with industry experts about some of the most interesting areas of cloud security. If you like having threat models questioned and a few bad puns, please tune in!
Eric Foster, President at CYDERES, a Fishtech Group company
Avi Shua, CEO and Co-founder @ Orca Security
John Kindervag, who is widely considered to be the creator of zero trust model in 2010 (currently works at ON2IT)
Brandon Levene, Malware Inquisitor @ Google Cloud
"Crimeware In The Modern Era" paper by Brandon Levene
no guests, just Tim and Anton
Max Saltonstall (@maxsaltonstall), Developer Advocate @ Google Cloud
Joe Crawford, formerly in charge of cloud-native security at a large bank
Andrew Lance, Sidechain
Nelly Porter, Group Product Manager @ Google.