September 20, 2021

EP32 Can You Ever Know Thyself: Cloud Attack Surface Management



Topics covered:

  • Attack Surface Management (ASM). Why do we need a new toolset and  a new category? Isn’t this just 1980s asset management or CMDB?
  • How do we find those assets that may have been misplaced by the organizations? How can any technology do this reliably?
  • ASM seems to often rely on network layer 3 and 4. Can’t bad guys just hit the app endpoints and all your network is irrelevant then?
  • When you think about the threats organizations face due to unknown assets, is data theft at the top of the stack? What should organizations keep in mind as a priority here?
  • Who at an organization is best set up to receive, triage, investigate, and respond to the  alerts about the attack surface?
  • Are there proactive steps organizations can take to prevent shadow IT, or are we stuck responding to each new signal? Isn’t preventing new assets the same as preventing business?

Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know:

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