August 14, 2023

EP134 How to Prioritize UX and Security in the Cloud: UX as a Security Capability



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Topics covered:

  • The importance of User Experience (UX) in security is so obvious – though it isn’t to a lot of people! Could we talk about the importance of UX in security?
  • UX and security in general have an uneasy relationship, and security is harmed by bad UX, it also feels like bad UX can be a security issue. What is your take on this?
  • How do you think about prioritizing your team’s time between day zero vs day n experiences for users of security tools?
  • Some say that cloud security should be invisible, but does this mean no UX at all? What are the intersections between UX for security and invisible security?
  • Can you think of what single UX change in Cloud Security’s portfolio made the biggest impact to actual security outcomes?
  • We have this new tool/approach for planning called Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) - give us the value, and the history? In the world of JTBD planning, what gets better?

Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know:

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