January 29, 2024

EP157 Decoding CDR & CIRA: What Happens When SecOps Meets Cloud



Cloud IR and Forensics Cloud Threat Detection

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Topics covered:

  • How does Cloud Detection and Response (CDR) differ from traditional, on-premises detection and response?
  • What are the key challenges of cloud detection and response?
  • Often we lift and shift our teams to Cloud, and not always for bad reasons, so  what’s your advice on how to teach the old dogs new tricks: “on-premise-trained” D&R teams and cloud D&R?
  • What is this new CIRA thing that Gartner just cooked up?  Should CIRA exist as a separate market or technology or is this just a slice of CDR or even SIEM perhaps?
  • What do you tell people who say that “SIEM is their CDR”?
  • What are the key roles and responsibilities of the CDR team? How is the cloud D&R process related to DevOps and cloud-style IT processes?

Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know:

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