December 9, 2024
EP202 Beyond Tiered SOCs: Detection as Code and the Rise of Response Engineering
- Amine Besson, Tech Lead on Detection Engineering, Behemoth Cyberdefence
Topics covered:
- What is your best advice on detection engineering to organizations who don’t want to engineer anything in security?
- What is the state of art when it comes to SOC ? Who is doing well? What on Earth is a fusion center?
- Why classic “tiered SOCs” fall flat when dealing with modern threats?
- Let’s focus on a correct definition of detection as code. Can you provide yours?
- Detection x response engineering - is there a thing called “response engineering”? Should there be?
- What are your lessons learned to fuse intel, detections, and hunting ops?
- What is this SIEMless yet SOARful detection architecture?
- What’s next with OpenTIDE 2.0?
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