December 6, 2021

EP46 Products and Solutions: Helping Our Customers Precipitate Change



Topics covered:

  • What is our thinking on solutions vs products for security? Sure, “security is a process, not a product,” but where do solutions fit in?
  • Security as an industry has too many vendors with little understanding of how users secure things, can solutions approach fix that?
  • Google is sometimes known for writing code and just throwing it out there, do solutions change that dynamic for Google Cloud clients who come to us for security?
  • Who are the target users for our security solutions? Why did we choose those solutions and not others?
  • To me, solutions is how our products actually live in the real world. But can we really hope to transform customer operations with solutions?
  • One of the solutions dear to my heart is Autonomic Security Operations that seeks to “10X the SOC”, how was the experience so far? Is 10X real and what does it mean?
  • How do we know if we succeeded, what are metrics for solutions?
  • How do solutions fit with Google Cybersecurity  Action Team launch? Do we need more action figures now?

Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know:

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